Sam Bankman-Fried


T+1 is Salame’s D Day

Salame (apparently pronounced “Salem” - make of that what you will) will now have his D-Day with sentencing on the day stock markets move to T+1.
2 min read

215 Exchange Invest Weekly Podcast October 14th, 2023

This week in the parish of bourses and market structure: London Has Myopia, In Chicago - The Love Has Gone , And In Sydney: The RBA Are They Twisting The ASX Knife?
9 min read

Exchange Invest 2786: Whither SBF?

It's a quiet week for legacy markets but the prosecutorial crescendo grows and SBF appears under duress concerning some fascinating / creative (but perhaps unrealistic?) balance sheets and indeed that curious code which favoured his market making firm…
9 min read

214 Exchange Invest Weekly Podcast October 7th, 2023

This week in the parish of bourses and market structure: FTC Vs Amazon, Cushing Crushed? Another MCX TCS Delay,
11 min read

213 Exchange Invest Weekly Podcast September 30th, 2023

This week in the parish of bourses and market structure: Crypto Goes E2E if Not ESueE, As JPEX Implodes Amidst A Growing Hong Kong Clampdown, And Is There A Fat Lady Aria For London? As the UK Blob Launches Blamestormers Anonymous,
13 min read

207 Exchange Invest Weekly Podcast August 19th, 2023

While legacy thrives, crypto dives, Adena buys her own stock, SBF is jailed while resorting to pleading for his medicine.
11 min read

Exchange Invest 2737: Sam Needs His Meds

Having lost his bail privileges entirely as a result of his own actions, SBF has turned to pleading for his medicines.
11 min read

192 Exchange Invest Weekly Podcast May 6th, 2023

Hong Kong Exchanges profits soar 28% as Hong Kong is open for business once again, NPM seeks to go T+10 from T+forever, Euroclear’s Curious Windfall
14 min read

Exchange Invest 2618: COIN Problems

Coinbase is in the eyes of a storm - one part is easy to work out, the other part awaits clarification from the SEC.
9 min read

Exchange Invest 2617: MEMX Options Round

SEC seeks to reduce its preponderance of paper as it crawls a little closer to the digital age while LME Nickel contracts are in dire need of modernisation according to a broad range of commodity companies as battery demand reshapes the market.
12 min read

Exchange Invest 2616: Swiss Imbalance

If you don’t know UBS acquired Credit Suisse last weekend (faster than the CS PR dept could say “merger of equals, oh wait a moment…”) then I envy your clearly commodious sub rock abode.
9 min read

Exchange Invest 2615: Happy 160 Stockholm

Nowhere is this clearly than in this gem of drivel from the Brussels Bugle: Humbled 'Crypto Bros' Don Blazers For Boca Raton (FT) which almost but not quite, completely fails to encapsulate last week’s Boca FIA meeting.
8 min read

Exchange Invest 2612: FTX GUBU Loans

“SBF is arguing that he is entitled to $5 million Directors and Officers Insurance from FTX.”
6 min read

Exchange Invest 2610: Chinese IDB Data Cut

Meanwhile clearly unwinding FTX is #ItsComplicated would be a massive understatement where the realpolitik is developing that the exchange assets could prove to be unwelcome even in the bargain bins at the local thrift store.
9 min read

Exchange Invest 2609: Gazza Preps The Battlefield

HSBC bought SVB UK for the typical nominal pound. In the US… nada. Well, there was the usual round of lawsuits - God bless America - of course… and the GOP blamed the Dems who blamed Trump as I mentioned yesterday.
8 min read