The International Stock Exchange (TISE)


Taking Stock Perspective: EI 2993

...we need to get London to appreciate the desperation of its plight, so too Europe looks like an also ran that is falling further and further behind by the day.
13 min read

211 Exchange Invest Weekly Podcast September 16th, 2023

This week in the parish of bourses and market structure: Competition In Australia, Sebi To T+0, ICE Makes Mortgages Work, Is Gary Gensler - Finance’s Kardashian?, And Elizabeth Sam Dies.
12 min read

209 Exchange Invest Weekly Podcast September 2nd, 2023

This week in the parish of bourses and market structure: It's A Big Week For Takeovers: ICE Black Knight Gets The Okay From The US FTC, While European Authorities Green Light The DB1 Purchase Of SimCorp
10 min read