
The Old Inevitables Strike Again

Doubtless, it has caused paroxysms amongst some of the citizens but at the same time, life’s inevitabilities remain ‘death and taxes’ even in Buenos Aires where enlightened government appears to be breaking out.
2 min read

Crypto Caveat Emptor

Perhaps more than any other part of the tech industry, crypto relies on storytelling. This is because the underlying technology, as it exists today, doesn’t have much to offer the average person in their day-to-day life.
3 min read

Exchange Invest 2772: UK Blob Launches Blamestormers Anonymous

What a piteous shambles the LSEG and its fellow apologist cum regulator the FCA are. The latest bleatstorm blamestorm from the pair of them was at a conference essentially blaming anybody - the mainstream meeja, you name it, the issuers themselves for daring to list overseas…
13 min read

202 Exchange Invest Weekly Podcast July 15th, 2023

LME Make A Chairman Surprise, DB1 SimCorp Delayed, There's a New B3 NASDAQ Deal, And the UK Extends Short Selling
12 min read

Exchange Invest 2702: LME Chair Surprise

It’s a pity to see Marco Strimer reach the end of his term limits (never been convinced the Cadbury recommendations are always logical but the FCA polices them rather zealously) while his replacement David Warren is an experienced exchange hand…
11 min read

193 Exchange Invest Weekly Podcast May 13th, 2023

Senator Gazza?, ICE Masterclass once again , Record CBOE Profits for their 50th anniversary, And indeed, a similar Happy Birthday at the half century mark to the DTCC
13 min read

188 Exchange Invest Weekly Podcast April 8th, 2023

Alasdair Haynes of Aquis is going from strength to strength despite London’s soggy equity market. The BMLL lake has become a global data ocean.
9 min read

Exchange Invest 2627: LIBOR Alive

LIBOR replacement is one of the great wastes of time forced upon markets by an eager whataboutery cabal of politicians and regulators, neither of whom took the time to think anything through.
8 min read

Exchange Invest 2618: COIN Problems

Coinbase is in the eyes of a storm - one part is easy to work out, the other part awaits clarification from the SEC.
9 min read

Exchange Invest 2615: Happy 160 Stockholm

Nowhere is this clearly than in this gem of drivel from the Brussels Bugle: Humbled 'Crypto Bros' Don Blazers For Boca Raton (FT) which almost but not quite, completely fails to encapsulate last week’s Boca FIA meeting.
8 min read

Exchange Invest 2608: S-Bank Hell

Moscow profits jump as the market battles to escape the ravages of Putin’s Ukrainian invasion while over in crypto, it’s another day of Bitcarnage leading to a stressful weekend for many.
11 min read

Exchange Invest 2602: $8.9 bln FTX Shortfall

So after the property exposés, the billion dollar loans, the PJs on demand, the Nassau executive car fleet, at least one incredible Daiquiri bill and of course a serious operation aimed at buying the US government…
14 min read

Exchange Invest 2600: Refinitiv Deal Working?

The question today is not so much how aligned Coinbase may be but rather is there going to be an attempt to take down Binance given it continues to attract the ‘FUD-4!’ folk amongst even the US political establishment?
13 min read

Exchange Invest 2593: Euronext Allfunds Bid

…This is from an organisation which is still unable to convincingly explain how its ‘independent’ US entity was forced to push $400 million through in a single transaction to a fund controlled by the Binance founder and global CEO.
9 min read

Exchange Invest 2582: Binance Pushing For SRO?

Binance fronting an SRO at first glance struck me as akin to say, Cosa Nostra coordinating a small business convention?
9 min read