Climate Impact X


198 Exchange Invest Weekly Podcast June 17th, 2023

Adena’s Adenza Cadenza, Vermiculus delivers in Minneapolis, ITS A Go Go, And ASX have gone almost orbital with their latest shark jump - pondering T+1 settlement after their CSD software upgrade collapsed following a T+700 delay.
12 min read

150 Exchange Invest Weekly Podcast July 2nd, 2022

Farewell to the floor of this week and their Philippine Stock Exchange has gone fully electronic. Congratulations to them on managing a very smooth transition after closing the floor on Friday, June 24th and restarting as an all-electronic market last Monday.
13 min read

097 Exchange Invest Weekly Podcast June 5th, 2021

NASDAQ makes a Puro Carbon play while London looks very much game on, not “Game Over” as the media might prefer to suggest.
10 min read