3 min read

UBS Found Some Leftover Thoughts in the Fridge & Microwaved Them

The UBS report adds “This begs the questions, are there any more hidden jewels like LCH or Russell Investments remaining for LSE to acquire?”

Timeline Friday, September 1st, 2017.
by Patrick L Young

In response to a UBS research report mentioned here by the excellent Huw Jones at Reuters, some thoughts: LSE Would Gain From Takeover Of 'Hidden Jewel' Euroclear - Ubs Analysts.

In EI Daily I commented thus: PLY: Investor clients will recall I first pointed out synergies in a deal like this over 5 years ago. It appears to be a revelation to some UBS analysts whose naivete about the parish demonstrates that fascinating thing about analysts being at once a form of parvenu holding an air of innocence without the charm of the caricature ingenue. I have added more thoughts in the Premium post “UBS Found Some Leftover Thoughts in the Fridge & Microwaved Them” published this morning. Premium access remains only $300 dollars per annum.

Now the EI1000 is publishing and summer is over expect an uptick in the material. Overall, I think this story plays more to the delusions of the man who has escaped the tea trolley and thinks he is in charge for another golden era as opposed to being a coherent investor story - as the narrative is cute but demonstrably naive in many respects...

So, here's a slightly fuller post:

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