
Ethiopia SX Licensed: EI 3020

Ethiopia’s exchange gets its licence after a process which puts most jurisdictions to shame while ICE’s trailblazing CMO steps down after cohering the ICE / NYSE and mortgage behemoth for…the ICE Age.
9 min read

254 Exchange Invest Weekly Podcast July 20th, 2024

This week in the parish of bourses and market structure: Time To Split ASIC? Time to Split ASX? Whatever Happens ‘Down Under’ Splits Look Highly Likely, While the UK Rearranges Deckchairs on IPO Titanic, The ICE Age Is Heating Up.
8 min read

PLY Bell Speech

Markets are better today for being at T+1 (76,400 seconds…) & CCPs reign supreme - as CMR! prophesied. It talked about digital assets before anybody cared - BUT no, I’m not claiming to be Satoshi Nakamoto despite that being a vogue amongst men of a certain age.
3 min read

253 Exchange Invest Weekly Podcast July 13th, 2024

This week in the parish of bourses and market structure: Exchanges To IOSCO Drop Dead! As 25 Years of Capital Market Revolution! Are celebrated At The New York Stock Exchange!
6 min read

252 Exchange Invest Weekly Podcast July 6th, 2024

This week in the parish of bourses and market structure: NASDAQ - EEX Out, LME Plans Hong Kong Warehouse, The SEC Courts Have Been Curtailed, And 7 Out Of The Top 10 IPOs Choose NYSE In First Half 2024 With A Fabulous $12 Billion Raised Across All Listings.
9 min read

7 Out Of 10: EI 3005

Seven out of the top ten IPOs listen @NYSE in H1 2024 with a fabulous $12 billion raised across all listings. 
12 min read

Country Club Cool: EI 2982

- Nasdaq and NYSE are the hottest ‘clubs’ to be allowed inside in Manhattan. - LSE reckons its problems are all behind it so denialism remains rampant in London. - SEBI has formed a committee to examine clearing house ownership structures
8 min read

246 Exchange Invest Weekly Podcast May 25th, 2024

This week in the parish of bourses and market structure: In A Week Of All Round Expansionism, We Celebrate FTSE 100 Futures At 40 Years Young, But The Big Birthday Is At The Big Board, NYSE Is Growing Fast at 232
9 min read

Country Club Rules: EI 2970

Fortune points out the chasm between the US country club listings duopoly of Nasdaq / NYSE and the rest of the world.
12 min read

Happy Birthday NYSE : EI 2969

NYSE celebrated its 232nd anniversary Friday as US market structures ride a crest of a wave...
10 min read

Exchange Invest 2946: Blue Ocean Towards 24?

NYSE are thinking about 24 hour trading which suggests the hot ticket in the bourse business right now is Blue Ocean which has inverted some elements of the ATS model..
11 min read

Exchange Invest 2937: Zero Sum SuperCompetition?

The competition in the IPO business is white hot as the US looks to extend its majority into supermajority. London appears only fit to bleed; Japan notes NYSE interest while Jamie Dimon is whinging about insufficient choice in US listings.
6 min read

Exchange Invest 2936: DB1’s MidPoint Mamba

DB1 is reopening their Xetra MidPoint Match facility which was withdrawn previously in 2017.
8 min read

Back in God Mode

Binance had roots in Malta but as we know when regulation had to be complied with, the exchange was long gone.
2 min read

229 Exchange Invest Weekly Podcast January 27th, 2024

This week in the parish of bourses and market structure: Magna Carta For Markets? It’s the MicroConnect MAP, Tadawul Rescues DME, NYSE Pulls Back From Its Land Grab, Gary Gensler Gets T Bonds CCP Clearing, & IMX Is Cleared To Build the First Health Futures Exchange
11 min read