

Exchange Invest 2474: LME Russia Ban?

Possible ban of Russian metals open for discussion from LME as Japan’s Topix Index prepares for significant reshuffle in line with Tokyo stock board changes.
9 min read

Exchange Invest 2356: May 21, 2022

Without drastic changes to the underpinnings of their financial and economic systems, not only may the Asian Century never materialise, but underlying imbalances could also precipitate social and economic turmoil.
4 min read

Exchange Invest 2351: May 16, 2022

With the banks firmly in their crosshairs, LME is pushing for a better metals market with less OTC opacity - good thing too. Elsewhere, Tadawul profits collapse and much more...
6 min read

Exchange Invest 2318: April 05, 2022

The JSE puts a smile on our faces with almost $350 million raised in its formative weeks while Platts JKM trades on TOCOM and the LME is officially on the naughty step with investigations now active - and newly created independent board spaces available for the suitably qualified.
6 min read

Exchange Invest 2307: Feedback on Euro CCP Machinations

The EU gets some blunt feedback from ISDA while EACH is more detailed and nuanced but in both cases, it’s a long ‘be careful what you wish for’ message to Brussels…
5 min read

Exchange Invest 2305: FCA in LME Horse Bolt Repo

Buying the UBS MTF is a symbiotic deal - UBS get rid of a platform which under Robert Barnes had a purpose but then rather lost momentum when Robert went off to be the most coherent face (by far) of LSE’s equity trading operations.
9 min read

Exchange Invest 2298: NSE India seeks a new CEO

A fascinating side issue arising from the Russian invasion of Ukraine: leased aircraft and a big lump of risk. Wizzair - a CEE discounter has 4 planes stuck in Ukraine. That’s the tip of the iceberg.
6 min read

Exchange Invest 2295: Nickel Market Suspension

LME have found themselves in a sticky situation although they seem to have taken rapid action albeit whether it helps of hinders the original short remains to be seen… Certainly, an interesting test of the LME Clearing House is upon us, although there is no evidence...
7 min read

Exchange Invest 2287: Holy Hoax Rocks NSE

...a bad day for LME if ever members do not have exposure to sanctioned entities when there is a major dislocation like last week’s hostilities.
6 min read

Exchange Invest 2257: Matt Chamberlain’s Crypto Gamble

LME CEO Matt Chamberlain is moving from the epicenter of the physical metals industry into a custody entity for digital assets.
8 min read