Jeffrey Kutler


Jeffrey Kutler's Journey from ATM's to Cryptocurrencies

Jeffrey Kutler’s journalistic career has seen quite an arc, from the mass adoption of ATMs through the growth of technology to fintech and most recently the rise of cryptocurrencies with every technological innovation in between!
1 min read

Exchange Invest 2603: NYSE Posits Reform

At just what point does SBF actually lose his freedom as a result of not merely using VPNs and generally breaking bail terms but also looking like a slam dunk for a long spell after a verdict which will - heaven forfend - pronounce him guilty?
11 min read

Exchange Invest 2602: $8.9 bln FTX Shortfall

So after the property exposés, the billion dollar loans, the PJs on demand, the Nassau executive car fleet, at least one incredible Daiquiri bill and of course a serious operation aimed at buying the US government…
14 min read

Exchange Invest Weekend Edition 2601: Who Destroyed Nord Stream?

- 4 more charges for SBF as his head of engineering bids for some element of clemency and pleads guilty to being CC-1
6 min read

Exchange Invest 2599: FTC Blocking ICE Black Knight

Coinbase campaign reminds me of the magnificent moment in “Yes Minister” when Cabinet Minister Jim Hacker is informed the PM may close his Ministry for Administrative Affairs.
11 min read

Exchange Invest 2598: CC-1 Charged

Euronext has an interesting MTF punt via MTS in IRS while the group’s tentative bid for AllFunds has already been withdrawn…
10 min read

Exchange Invest 2596: CHESS Costs Users ¼ Billion

The European Commission has banned all staff from using TikTok. Not sure that’s a big loss for the platform in terms of content generation?
9 min read

Exchange Invest Weekend Edition 2595: A Web of Lies

AirBnB’s move into the fiscal black has been considerably helped by revenue from “cleaning fees” - probably not something exchanges in the regulated parish can consider but it must be tempting to try…
6 min read

Exchange Invest 2594: SBF Faces New Rap Sheet

Another day, another slate with 4 new charges against SBF. Plot thickens, noose tightens…
11 min read

Exchange Invest 2593: Euronext Allfunds Bid

…This is from an organisation which is still unable to convincingly explain how its ‘independent’ US entity was forced to push $400 million through in a single transaction to a fund controlled by the Binance founder and global CEO.
9 min read

Exchange Invest 2592: Indo-European CCP Confusion

“In reality, bitcoin has been through four crashes now and recovered each time. That makes it different from a pure asset bubble. Tulips never recovered in price, neither did the South Sea company ever come back from its collapse.
8 min read