
Exchange Invest 2603: NYSE Posits Reform

At just what point does SBF actually lose his freedom as a result of not merely using VPNs and generally breaking bail terms but also looking like a slam dunk for a long spell after a verdict which will - heaven forfend - pronounce him guilty?
11 min read

Exchange Invest 2593: Euronext Allfunds Bid

…This is from an organisation which is still unable to convincingly explain how its ‘independent’ US entity was forced to push $400 million through in a single transaction to a fund controlled by the Binance founder and global CEO.
9 min read

Exchange Invest 2578: Ion Ransom Paid

Eagle eyed readers may recall Binance allegedly bought WazirX but in the end, it appears they definitely didn’t… As always, transparency aforethought from..oh never mind.
8 min read

Exchange Invest 2576: CFTC Delays COT

CFTC delays key report due to Ion Group hack disrupting data processing, raising questions about its impact.
8 min read

Exchange Invest 2572: ICE Gas Diversion

They haven’t moved the pipes but they have raised the possibility of diverting the market. ICE embraces EU TTF suicide caps in Europe and opens a free market in London.
16 min read

Exchange Invest 2551: Sun Rising For LCH Japan?

Former FTX GC Daniel.Friedberg has provided evidence. The somewhat colourful Mr Friedberg was, as you may recall amongst the legal team stuck in the door departing hastily when SBF made his infamous internal admission of find transfer to Alameda…
9 min read

Exchange Invest 2550: SBF Pleads Not Guilty

We dunno who is backing his bail, nor to what extent (the usual 10% seems implausible) but SBF is out until October 2nd when his trial date has been set…
12 min read

Exchange Invest 2533: SBF’s Brazen Brazillian?

Inmate 14372 is perilously likely to spend Christmas and New Year in the Bahamas’ rather less than 5 star condo penthouse class formerly branded as “His Majesty's Prison Fox Hill.”
20 min read

Exchange Invest 2527: ICE Cap Warnings

PLY: Dig a bit deeper - go look at Bahamian US dollar government debt - what does that yield of 13.3% - after a stupendous rally through autumn - tell you? Clearly, there are issues to the Bahamas finances.
10 min read

Exchange Invest 2521: ECB Says BTC Alamo?

efore SBF spoke at the conference we ought to surely rename NYT Dealcrook the ‘tin hatters’ were back out in force - you know the types, folk who make the Ye Presidential bid look hyper credible.
20 min read

Exchange Invest 2514: FTX Cash Hunt

Enter the B-F family of committed socialist seeking social justice and a more even society from their gilded residences whose progeny we all know as the bloke with the dollar store Afro and apparently a $40 million mega condo.
12 min read

Exchange Invest 2307: Feedback on Euro CCP Machinations

The EU gets some blunt feedback from ISDA while EACH is more detailed and nuanced but in both cases, it’s a long ‘be careful what you wish for’ message to Brussels…
5 min read

Exchange Invest 2292: Indian stocks now settle on a T+1 cycle

An interesting side effect - a burning bump in the carpet risk if you will - has emerged from the news about the Felicity Ace, a Ro-Ro automobile cargo ship which has been blazing furiously in the Atlantic near the Azores for a week.
3 min read

094 Exchange Invest Weekly Podcast May 15th, 2021

Australia threatens Chess Nationalisation, Xav-SPAC a go-go, and its business as usual at TP ICAP as another set of results prove very
10 min read

Exchange Invest 2047: Regulators Nervy About Libor

Ashley Alder Zoooming a spot of indignation with a shot across the ISDA bows about the Archegos shenanigans where it looks as if multiple broker dealers got hypothecated into losses thanks to a spot of excess leverage delivery to the somewhat cavalier concept of “management” at that fund.
7 min read