
244 Exchange Invest Weekly Podcast May 11th, 2024

This week in the parish of bourses and market structure: All Weather Excellence Says Leading Exchanges Grow More Than 20% In Q1, There’s A Dash of Spring MOU Madness In The Air, While Europe’s Leading Financial Industry Bodies Warn The Flywheel Needs To Turn
11 min read

237 Exchange Invest Weekly Podcast March 23rd, 2024

This week in the parish of bourses and market structure: Amidst Typhoon Warnings, There's A Sino St. Petersburg Pivot And More Funding For Abaxx, As Johannesburg Starts To Cloud Hop, While The Big Sale Of The Week Is Bourse Dubai Trimming Their NASDAQ Stake.
12 min read

183 Exchange Invest Weekly Podcast March 4th, 2023

Euronext bids – briefly for Allfunds, launches an interesting IRS MTF via Euro MTS
9 min read

146 Exchange Invest Weekly Podcast June 4th, 2022

new crypto exchange was on its way this time with a Pan-African twist Thulani Mthunzi was a dissatisfied customer of other crypto exchanges who decided to build a better mousetrap in the form of Mansa Musa
11 min read

Exchange Invest Weekly Podcast 032

National Stock Exchange of India were asked by Sebi, the regulator to divest the entire 37% stake they hold in Computer Age Management Services.
21 min read