Dan Maguire


245 Exchange Invest Weekly Podcast May 18th, 2024

This week in the parish of bourses and market structure: CFTC All Politics No Markets, Yield Curve Connect Improves, Oz Parl collates Feedback On The ASX “CHESS Mess” LSEG Reckons Its IPO Pipeline Is Growing, As the US country club duopoly look unstoppable for IPO flow.
13 min read

065 Exchange Invest weekly Podcast October 3rd 2020

Japan Stock Exchange was halted by a glitch which annihilated the trading day, the good news is it didn't appear to be a hack or DDOS.
11 min read

Exchange Invest 1550: Back After Midsummer

It was a fairly dull week as expected but that didn’t stop the London Stock Exchange challenging expectations they are up to the task of managing Refinitiv’s technology stack…
10 min read

Exchange Invest 1105: October 19, 2017

Official: the end of the Xavier Era while LCH see Dan Maguire take over as head of LCH..
5 min read