
All about Donald

Maybe it’s the start of a beautiful relationship, or did Trump just wrap Bitcoin in a curious protectionist MAGA hold?
2 min read

Exchange Invest Weekend Edition 2635: Fuel For Resurrection?

ICE resurrected by synthetic fuel? Minimum booze prices, Albanian tunnel town, ugly confusion of slavery, USA-USSR, waiting for the DMV.
6 min read

Exchange Invest Weekend Edition 2619: From AI to Obsolescence

Chinese IDB Data Cut; FTX and their GUBU Loans; LME get hit with a minor warrant issue in Nickel; B3 are All In On Vermiculus; Happy 160 years to Stockholm; And there's a big Swiss Imbalance in the shareholder register
6 min read

Exchange Invest Weekend Edition 2583: Crypto Credo & More

All the latest developments in the crypto winter can be found in Bitcarnage, our unique section daily Monday - Friday in the Exchange Invest subscriber newsletter.
4 min read

Exchange Invest 2539: SBF’s Home!

SBF has migrated in the opposite direction to the lovely summer birds and ended Wednesday under SDNY jurisdiction and probably a long stay in a US fleapit remand prison - worse than the relatively cushy reality of his Bahamas detention it will likely transpire.
14 min read

Exchange Invest Weekend Edition 2535: Uni Death?

From Exchange Invest 2533: December 15th, Thursday: A useful point to ponder in the macro picture of rates
4 min read

Exchange Invest 2534: SEC Attacks PFOF

As the tabloids make mischief suggesting SBF’s Mom has been ringing the jail to get strict vegan food sent to Inmate 14372, I had some splendid correspondence from commodity expert Ann Berg who noted the origins of Effective Altruism in Jeremy Bentham's Utilitarian movement.
9 min read

Exchange Invest 2530: Coin Unfriends Tether

SBF appears to be maintaining his hail Mary pass where his sheer winning magnetism dazzles everybody watching that he isn’t an incompetent crook, La Ellison may be about to extract sufficiently brutal revenge on her ex-paramour cum business partner...
15 min read

Exchange Invest 2528: DAH Bites ASX

SBF has a thing for tall women. That strikes me as sexist - after all he sponsored the Miami Heat stadium so he clearly has a thing for all tall people).
13 min read

Exchange Invest 2524: ASX SBF Struggle With Sorry

SBF: “To the extent that there’s a tactical piece of it, I think it’s basically that things have gotten to the point where, frankly, there were a lot of conspiracy theories floating around that had no validity and to be clear, at its core, I f***ed up.
13 min read

Exchange Invest 2521: ECB Says BTC Alamo?

efore SBF spoke at the conference we ought to surely rename NYT Dealcrook the ‘tin hatters’ were back out in force - you know the types, folk who make the Ye Presidential bid look hyper credible.
20 min read

Exchange Invest 2519: Bye Bye Blockfi

…And onwards to our fascinating conspiracy of the day as the crypto kiddies get wildly vexed that El Tel has been bribing the CFTC.
15 min read

Exchange Invest 2516: Tadawul Buys Vendor

PLY: Single branch bank where deposits soared after Alameda bought it and was chaired by the man who co-created Inspector Gadget. #Everydaycrypto.
10 min read

Exchange Invest 2507: Balance Sheet Fiction?

Frankly shocking after seeing that balance sheet was only red-lining, my mind’s eye envisages a kind of molten white hot streak around the edges of the Afro as SBF realised his personal fortune giveaway strategy was way way ahead of perceived plan.
11 min read

Exchange Invest 2075: HKEX Mandates Diversity

In an attempt to throw off accusations of a sexist SAR, Hong Kong’s boardrooms will have to include at least one woman by 2025 or listed companies will face penalties.
10 min read