Blue Ocean Technologies


IOSCO’s Embarrassment: EI 3007

IOSCO gets fundamental facts wrong while trying to cocoon bourses in more complex and regressive rules. Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
5 min read

246 Exchange Invest Weekly Podcast May 25th, 2024

This week in the parish of bourses and market structure: In A Week Of All Round Expansionism, We Celebrate FTSE 100 Futures At 40 Years Young, But The Big Birthday Is At The Big Board, NYSE Is Growing Fast at 232
9 min read

243 Exchange Invest Weekly Podcast May 4th, 2024

This week in the parish of bourses and market structure: MCX Shines Bright, Nasdaq Makes A Revenue Leap, Third Time For Lucky Lutnick? Sebi’s Calculated Insanity, DFM Results Sensation, And there’s Hosking’s Broadside At ASX
10 min read

242 Exchange Invest Weekly Podcast April 27th, 2024

This week in the parish of bourses and market structure: CBOE Flings A Gauntlet, Is Blue Ocean The Tide Towards 24-Hour Trading? And DB1 Posts a Good Q1
13 min read

Exchange Invest 2946: Blue Ocean Towards 24?

NYSE are thinking about 24 hour trading which suggests the hot ticket in the bourse business right now is Blue Ocean which has inverted some elements of the ATS model..
11 min read

206 Exchange Invest Weekly Podcast August 12th, 2023

LedgerEdge Closes, Is The DOJ Blinking On Binance Charges?, ICE Black Knight Springs Back To Life, As Tokyo Goes International.
12 min read